Deceased Name: Yunas, Mohammed

Reference Number BV21100719/1
Date of publication: n/a
Date of birth: 01/01/1934
Place of birth: Pakistan
Date of death: 22/12/2010
Place of death: Eye Suffolk
Maiden name:
Marital Status: bachelor
Date of marriage: n/a
Place of marriage:
Date entered UK: n/a
Date of naturalisation: n/a
Date of adoption: n/a
Date of divorce: n/a
Kin/Other details: According to information held the deceased did not know his date of birth and the date of birth he was given was an estimate. The deceased apparently arrived in the UK in 1947 with the military family he worked for although he decided to stay in England when the family moved to Cyrprus. He continued to work "in service" and stayed working for the same couple until they both died and then continued to work for the next generation of the same family until he moved into sheltered accommodation

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